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Create and Maintain Processes

The purpose of this article is to detail how to create and maintain Processes within Serendata.

Aditi Kumar avatar
Written by Aditi Kumar
Updated over a month ago

A Transformation Project ultimately changes the way in which an organisation operates and how it delivers value to its customers. A key step to being successful centres around how well defined and logical the new business processes are. Processes sit at the top of the Change Management pyramid, with Impacts below them and Actions a step further down.

As such, Serendata strives to provide a clear and concise platform to define, map and track Processes in a way that best suits the End User. Processes inform Change Impacts across an organisation and allow for a smooth transformation business wide whilst providing a line of sight back to what is changing.

Processes can be entered manually or uploaded on mass via a template into Serendata. Processes can be broken down into a maximum of 5 levels. For Example:

LEVEL 1 - Order to Cash >> LEVEL 2 - Accounts Receivable >> LEVEL 3 - AR Close

Once the Processes have been captured and inputted, this data can be copied across into the relevant Project(s).

This article details how to:

  • Access Processes

  • Search for a Process

  • Create a new Process

  • Delete a Process

Accessing Process




Click in the bottom left-hand corner of the Home Screen.

Note: The Cog displays all sections that need to be completed in order.


Select Core Data.


Select Processes from the Sub Menu.

Search for a Process

If there is a long list of pre-existing processes, it is possible to perform a search to locate the required Process.




Click in the Search field.

Note: This field is in the top right hand corner of the screen.


Type the name of the process you require. For Example: Business Event Handling.

As you partially type, Serendata will only display the Processes that relate to your search. The more you input, the more refined the search results will be.


Select the required process.

Add a New Process

To add a new process in Serendata:




Click .

A range of Process Templates will be displayed within the Pop-Up Window. In this example, there is only one option for SAP Processes however, this will accommodate all systems.




Select the required template.

For Example: Click to select the template for a SAP Business Processes.

It is essential to know the structure of template should not be altered in any way. Templates have been structured to facilitate an accurate and easy upload into Serendata.

A range of Level 1 Processes will be displayed within the pop-up window for example: Finance and Supply Chain.




Select the required Process or Processes.

Note: Multiple processes can be selected in a single go, if required.


Click .

There are some additional buttons within this screen:



The Select All button allows all Processes to be selected in one go. This avoids each Process being selected individually.

The Deselect All button allows all Processes to be deselected in one go. This avoids each Process being removed individually.

This icon represents Close.

This icon allows the Process Pop Up Window to be closed.

This icon allows you to go back one screen. This would take you back to the Templates selection window.

This screen will break down the Level 2 and Level 3 Processes within the chose Process, for example: Finance. Within this screen, you are required to select the required Level 2 and Level 3 Processes.




Click that corresponds to the required Level 2 and Level 3 Processes.


Select the .

Note: This button only activates when a single or multiple checkboxes have been selected.

The selected Processes have been added to the Processes Main Screen.

Delete a Business Area or Sub Business Area

To delete a Process:




Click that corresponds to the required Process(es) that is to be deleted.

Note: The delete button is only activated once a single or multiple Process checkboxes have been selected.


Click .

The following system message is displayed:




Click .

This completes the guide for creating and maintaining Processes.

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