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Create a Person or Audience

How to create the record of an individual or an audience group.

Matthew Hammett avatar
Written by Matthew Hammett
Updated over 3 months ago

Insight helps you manage your people on their journey of change. Some people will be, as individuals, very important to your project - they may be influential stakeholders, hold budgets, or be significantly impacted by the change taking place.

Other people, while important, can be tracked as a - you don't need to engage with them on an individual level but you still need to keep them engaged as a group and consider them in your change strategy.

A Stakeholder is an important individual that needs to have their engagement tracked ( as opposed to a Person, who is of note within the organisation but not necessarily a stakeholder).

An Audience is a collection of people that will be impacted by a change but don’t need to be named.

Pre-requisite: Any business Areas and Roles must have already been created within the Organisation.

Create a Person

  1. Go to the Settings button at the bottom left of the screen and select ORGANISATION SETTINGS

  2. Select People

  3. Select Add Person

  4. Complete all fields then select SAVE.



First name

The person's first name

Last name

The person’s last name

Email address

The person’s email address

Change network member

Whether the person is a Change Network member

Relationship owner

The Insight user who owns the relationship with the person

Business area

The Business area the person is in

Stakeholder collections

Any Stakeholder Collections


The person’s role – can only be added after the Business Area has been selected

Once a Person is created within the organisation, they can be added as a stakeholder on the stakeholder grid within a specific project

Create an Audience

  1. Go to the sidebar and select the Audiences tab

  2. Click the blue plus and name your Audience

  3. Once an audience is created, you can add Stakeholders to it via the Blue Plus that will appear to the right hand side of the newly created audience

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