Whilst in a workshop, it is crucial to be able to capture Impacts quickly and be able to sort them so they don't get lost in the midst of the total Impacts list. This article will show you the best method to be able to do this.
Prior to your workshop, it is very important that you set up the correct Impact Groups so that whilst capturing Impacts, they are automatically assigned to the relevant Groups.
For example, before starting a workshop, I may want to set up a group for 'Workshop-12-27/05/21" so that all Impacts captured are automatically put into that Group. In order to do that:
Head to the Project you are working on
Head to the Impacts page
Select Impact Groups
Select Create New
Title your Impact Group (for example Workshop DD/MM/YY)
Input description
Save Impact Group
NOTE: Multiple Impact Groups can be assigned to each Quick Create Impact.
Once the Impact Group(s) have been created, you then need to pre-assign them so that every time you add a Quick Create Impact during your workshop, the correct Groups are already assigned to each Impact. In order to do that:
Head to the Project you are working on
Head to the Impacts page
Select Apply Filters
On the Impact Group drop-down, select all Groups you wish the Impacts from this Workshop to be assigned to
Make sure all correct Groups are highlighted in Blue on the sidebar
Tick the box that says "Prepopulate Impact Group when quick creating an Impact"
Close sidebar
All pre-assigned groups should now be highlighted above the Impacts List
Select Quick Create
All pre-assigned Groups will automatically be assigned
Input Impact Name
Input Impact Type
NOTE: All Quick Create Impacts created this way will then show in the Impact List as Draft Impacts.
Once the Workshop has finished and all Impacts have been captured, you will notice they are all saved as Drafts on the Impact list. You will need to go into each one and complete it, in order for it to appear as a full Impact and influence all of the reports within the system. In order to do that:
Head to the Project you are working on
Head to the Impacts page
Filter by relevant Impact Group
All Impacts will show as Draft
Click on the three dots on the right hand side
Select Complete
This will take you to the full Impact page
Populate all information as best you can
Select Save
This will then update on the Impact List as well as all relevant reporting