Individual people can be easily uploaded using the Create Stakeholder button, but for creating and uploading larger groups of people, try using our "People Upload" feature.
Preparing Your Upload
Preparing Your Upload
This upload feature accepts data in the common csv file format. Follow the below steps to prepare your file for upload.
Microsoft Excel
In a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, populate the following five columns of data:
E-mail address (required)
First name (optional)
Last name (optional)
Business Area (optional)
Role (optional)
The order of the columns is important and should not be changed for the upload data.
You can include a column heading. This will be ignored when the data is uploaded.
The first and last names are optional. If not provided the system will attempt to infer these from the e-mail address when the file is uploaded. For example for the email address "" the first and last names will be inferred as "Chris" and "Bullard" respectively.
To create a csv file from your spreadsheet:
Select File => Save As
Select the "Save as type" to be CSV (comma delimited)
Enter a file name of your choosing
Uploading CSV Files
Uploading CSV Files
Using a file explorer (Windows Explorer on PC or Finder on Mac), locate the csv file you wish to upload.
Drag and drop the csv file in to the drag and drop area of the upload screen.
The uploaded file will appear in the "Uploaded Files" list. At this point no data has been uploaded to your Organisation. See the next section "Importing Data from Uploaded Files"
Importing Data from Uploaded CSV Files
Importing Data from Uploaded CSV Files
Having uploaded a csv file, follow the below steps to import Stakeholders from the file to your Organisation.
Select a file from the Uploaded Files list.
The grid will then show the available data from within the uploaded csv file to import.
Any Person that can be imported will have a checkbox next to them.
Any People that cannot be imported will show a warning triangle. Hovering on the triangle will give details on why the Stakeholder cannot be imported.
Once you have selected People you want to import, click the "Upload" button. The selected People will be imported to your Organisation.
To show People in the list that have been imported already from a file, tick "Show Uploaded Rows".