Capacity views
Written by Gera Kourtidis
Updated over a week ago

In this article we will go over the feature of the capacity views. A few new pages were added to the tool to help users identify the capacity of the stakeholders.

Organisation Capacity View

In order to access the organisational capacity overview page you need to go to organisation dashboard (step 1 on the image).

Once on the organisation dashboard you should now be able to see a tab called "Capacity", click on that (step 2 on the image)

Once you click the capacity you should be directed to the view below.

Within this view there are three tabs that show the capacities for the following:

1 Stakeholder capacity: this tab shows the counts of the impacts that the stakeholders are linked to and the corresponding actions that are linked to the impacts.

2 Audience capacity: this tab shows the counts of the impacts that the audiences are linked to and the corresponding actions that are linked to the impacts.

3 Change Team: this tab shows the counts of the ownerships they are part of. It consists of impacts, actions, project stakeholders and projects that they are part of (project team members)

Stakeholder extended capacity view

In order to access the stakeholder extended capacity view you will need to go to project stakeholder (step 1) view grid, and click on a single stakeholder to go to the extend view(step 2).

On the stakeholder extended view you should be able to see a new tab "Change Projects"

In this view you should be able to see all the projects that this particular stakeholder is involved with. By pressing the arrow to the left of the project name you should be able to see the the impacts and the concerns of each project that have been noted for this stakeholder.

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