Organisation Dashboard
The Sunburst is a multilayered chart capturing the status of everything within your organisation from the Programme level down to the status of impacts and actions. The interior ring comprises of the Programmes, the next ring houses the projects that sit within those programmes, the third ring the Impacts, Actions and Stakeholders that are within each project and finally the status of those Impacts and Actions.
The Heatmap tracks the total count of all Impacts across your organisation as well as the month-to-month number of Impacts in progress.
The timeline tracks all Programmes and Projects within the organisation by start and end date. The blue bars represent the expected timeframe of a given project of programme and the diamonds seen nested on top of the bars are milestone events that will be taking place during the project or programme.
The Capacity charts track Stakeholder and Audience workloads. This is done stakeholder by stakeholder in along the bar chart. Underneath all stakeholders are listed as well as their associated business area and business role, alongside the number of actions and impacts tied to them. Similarly, all audiences are tracked in both bar chart and list form using the same metrics.
Programme Dashboard:
The Programme Dashboard contains a programme specific view including Capacity Charts, a Project Tracker, Programme Timeline and a Programme Specific Sunburst
Project Dashboard:
The Project Dashboard contains a Project Specific Timeline and counts and progress trackers for all Impacts, Actions, Stakeholder and Audiences within the Project. There are also several quick links to various sections of the Project.
Stakeholder Map:
The Stakeholder Map shows the total number of Stakeholders within a Project, as well as tracking any data gaps that may be preventing them from being shown. On the chart Stakeholder Commitment is tracked with red representing the concerned status, blue the neutral status, green the advocate status with grey for the unknown status.
Impact Assessment:
The Impact Assessment shows the total count of Impacts within a project, as well as any gaps that may be affecting the data. The four charts track Impacts by Type, Location, Business Area and Owner.
Action Report
The Action Report contains six bar charts that track Action Progress and Rag Status by Assigned To, Business Area and Audience.
Change Action Plan:
The Change Action Plan shows the total count of Actions within a project, as well as a Gap Analysis of Actions that are not defined within the timeline due to data gaps. Within the Action Plan section, Communication, Readiness, Feedback, Training and Evaluation are included in the chart which can be filtered by any one of these, as well as by Action Status.
Process Reports:
All the information on the process grid can be viewed in the process report. It contains a variety of actionable filters, and shows processes by linked actions and impacts.