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Managing User Access 
Marius Corich-van der Bas avatar
Written by Marius Corich-van der Bas
Updated over 4 months ago

Change initiatives can often capture and process data of a sensitive business nature. Any change can be disruptive to a business if the way it is communicated is not managed well, and so it is clearly important that all data is treated professionally.  

That said, the need for discretion can vary greatly from project to project – and indeed from the types of data involved. It is also important that data can be shared and reviewed with the business as necessary. A high degree of flexibility has been built into the system to manage permissions to enable this.  

Permission Levels 

Firstly, anyone accessing the system data must have a system login. Business have full control over who within a business can access the system and to what degree of security.  

There are three different permission levels when inviting a User: 

  • Owner - Can access all information as well as invite and remove users 

  • Contributor – Can edit and create only 

  • Reader – View only (everything except private projects and programmes) 

This level sets the default access that that person has when they log into the system.


Project Level Permissions 

For added security, if a project requires tighter control, or the specific input of individuals with limited access, you can set a very specific set of project permission requirements for that project.  

This is a toggle on/off page that allows you to provide read, write or no access to every aspect of the data. For example, if you want someone to review only the list of Impacts captured but not any information on the stakeholders involved, you can do this. 

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